The Swedes are out of control, page-56

  1. 8,026 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    You are the type of person it seems to me who would see Europe and Australia over - run rather than speak up and defend and protect our Patrimony, Culture and Way of Life.

    You love to write a lot and doubtless you are a well - read and well - informed person. Regrettably, all your erudition is directed not to the protection of our Patrimony but to its Erosion.

    In the matter of mass alien non - Western immigration whether legal or illegal, you and I will disagree and the evidence is all on my side.

    The influx of mass alien arrivals - both legal and illegal -which the last several decades and more have seen come into Europe and Australia has has brought with it a host of ills and most certainly no net benefit but rather great degradation and costs economic, social and cultural.

    Taurisk - and I really do intend that you understand this - I object to your tone and I tell you likewise that your sentiment is your own and I tell you also that you can keep it.

    If you so much wish to live amongst the people and societies of the non - Western world such that you continue to support their influx whilst so very very many Westerners do not support or wish it at all, you should yourself move there to where they come from and relieve us all of your angst and your apparent - lecturing the which only serve to undermine Our Society.
    Last edited by Wonganella: 19/08/18
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