It's true that the corporate world has been hijacked by the...

  1. 9,768 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 291
    It's true that the corporate world has been hijacked by the manager class. Endless 'KPI's, new and often unworkable systems introduced, crushing workloads imposed on the most capable staff, 'tickets' inputted into systems with the goal being to produce even more reports. The goal is always to generate more e-mails, more meetings, more reports. It's a giant make-work system for parasitic muppets.

    When you are a kid you are taught so many thinks about human life. What kind of mediocre human weasel sets their sites on being a manager: a human that panders to the higher ups, thinks up ways to cut staff numbers, cheats others out of pay rises, and relishes doing endless stupid reports and attending cr*p-fest meetings.
    Last edited by Crom Valen: 20/03/19
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