the stone age didn't end ..., page-15

  1. 1,465 Posts.

    And a late reply from me too!

    Glad to see you are approaching something of an epiphany regarding renewables - keep up the research!

    Obviously you have a vested interest in the environmental despoilation that is CSG mining, but I am intrigued by this: "CSG peak powergen would be the perfect match with renewables like wind, solar and hydro ... the key that would make the dream for at least largely renewable powergen work."

    Isn't the argument usually put that renewables can't supply base load power - the peak is the time when solar (and onshore wind) are at their most productive! It is the take-up of rooftop solar that has resulted, (according to recent industry reports), in a substantial reduction in peak demand, ie lessened the need for gas-fired power "peak" capacity.

    As for the rest of the post ("renewables are unlikely to power planes ..., I would suggest you study the logical fallacy reductio ad ridiculum which sums up your argument!

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