This is just one small section from Chris Martenson's article - ...

  1. dub
    28,615 Posts.
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    This is just one small section from Chris Martenson's article -      Is The Long-Anticipated Crash Now Upon Us?  - but I think this 'unravelling' issue is becoming a very real problem.

    so JFI -


    The Social Fabric Is Starting To Rend

    This idea of growth being dependent on surplus energy is not a very difficult train of logic to follow. But as I’ve learned the hard way when delivering this message over the years, data and logic rarely changes people's behavoir. 

    People's actions are governed by their beliefs, which are stubbornly housed in our brain's emotional limbic system, not in the more rational cortex. When beliefs get challenged, emotions flare up. Data is irrelevant. Logic doesn’t matter. The backfire effect mushrooms and takes over.

    We are now at the most important inflection point in all of human history, yet practically nobody knows about it. But try to raise people's awareness and – wow – does it ever challenge their belief systems. Fear and anger are the first emotions to get triggered, and listeners quickly search for any reason to reject the information.

    This is wack-job conspiracy theory! This is failed Malthusian claptrap! This is fear-mongering! You're underestimating human ingenuity! If this were really true, I'd be reading about it in the media!

    Over the years, I've heard thousands of these 'reasons' to reject looking critically at the data. It no longer bothers me, as I recognize it for what it truly is: an attempt to protect oneself from having to grapple with the possibility that the promise of endless growth, which our current prosperity is based on, just might not be real.

    And I think many folks are nevertheless becoming aware of this on a subconcious level. It's that feeling in our gut we get when we see the 1% live so much better than the rest of us 99%. When we hear how "great" the employment rate is or the stock market is, yet we see so many households struggling to get by as the middle class get squeezed harder and harder between stagnant wages and the rising cost of living. When we see those who run our country and its corporations live by a different, more preferential, set of rules than the public is held to.

    I think this explains why tensions and tempers are so high right now, even though very few seem to understand why. It explains why the country is so divided and increasingly desperate. It explains the hyper-partisanship, the turn to opioids, the pipe bombs.

    To my way of thinking, a lot of the emotional energy being expended right now is due to the fact that our entire way of being is busy collapsing all around us.  Our main narrative of “how life works” is breaking down. This is resulting in an epidemic of grief, depression, anger and sorrow.



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