I would agree that peak daily load is an issue that can be mitigated somewhat with PV/storage however the peak production profiles for both wind and solar are heavily influenced by seasonal factors that skew production to specific months. AUG and SEP are the key wind months for IFN wind assets.
Similarly solar has a distinct profile around the summer months. For wind, electricity production can be 50% less in Apr to Sep. This means we would have to have enough excess capacity in peak production months to offset the lower production months but would have to have storage capacity to hold this energy from Sep to Apr.
Just to smooth IFN wind assets across a year you would seemingly need multiples of 50 GW/H of installed battery capacity, the SA Tesla battery was 100MW/h this just sounds too expensive. Imagine not only having to store your nightly electricity use in a battery but also half of what you would need in winter. Pumping water up a hill sounds more efficient but again with these non-dispatchables we will need multiples of installed nameplate capacity to achieve the same nominal output of a dispatchable system.