Stick to the IPCC mjp Anyone can provide peer reviewed papers....

  1. 9,012 Posts.
    Stick to the IPCC mjp
    Anyone can provide peer reviewed papers.  Shoot I do all the time.  Not that it matters to you.

    Provide us with science from the world authority on AGW.  The IPCC

    mjp the IPCC are clear the polar vortex is contracting.  I have posted much on it.  You are obsfucating

    Why does the IPCC in all its reports talk about a contracting polar vortex,  poleward stormfronts, expanding Hadley cell, rising gpt  and much much more.  And you here are telling us different!

    Good to see you have acknowledged aerosols in your comments.  I dont buy the aerosol loading story of the 40s and 70s.  That is a crock.  Aerosols and GHG's have a similar effect on the polar vortex and jet stream according to the IPCC.  Oh and they also acknowledge that a recovery of OZONE will negate the polar vortex contraction.  I note you have a real habit of cashing in on what nature does all by itself.  mmmm  ghg and aerosol having the same effect on the polar vortex.  And mjp differs.

    We can discuss this later.  And that will be fun.

    You are having a really difficult time to explain why the IPCC assessment is different to yourself.
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