And that's not what I've been saying. I don't have any problem...

  1. 7,772 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    And that's not what I've been saying. I don't have any problem with the effects of stratospheric cooling on the polar vortex. But that isn't the only thing going on in the world.

    Your fundamental issue is that you have homed in on very specific aspect of the science, but are not giving sufficient consideration to the other factors relevant to this. You then mistakenly conclude that other things being pointed out to you are not consistent with your simplistic interpretation of the science. And claim contradictions. It is something that you regularly do - and that denial blog sites regularly do,.

    In this case you have homed in on ghg stratospheric cooling impacts and consequently the effects of that alone on the polar vortex.

    And you don't consider B, C and D impacts on stratospheric cooling nor, separately, other factors that directly effect the polar jet stream.


    Ozone recovery has had and opposing effect on stratospheric cooling in recent decades, and hence has had a contrary effect to ghg on the polar vortex.

    And also in places you appear to be underlying references related to winter to summer changes in the vortex and claiming thiose changes support your argument. They don't..


    But, most importantly, the key point you are not considering, it seems because of your focus solely on stratospheric cooling effects, is that the jet stream is affected by the formation of highs and lows around the polar region. That is as discussed here:

    In relation to that the science is examining how warming of the Arctic is affecting the circulation and weather patterns around the Arctic.
    "While a warmer Arctic Ocean further inhibits sea ice growth, it also generates warmer and more moist air masses over the Arctic and nearby continents. A warming Arctic also reduces the temperature difference with the mid-latitudes, which has consequences for circulation patterns in the atmosphere (more on this later)."

    So, as the first link explains, you see distortions of the polar jet stream as a result of some patterns of highs forming around the Arctic. And we see from the second link that Arctic warming itself is affecting the formation of weather patterns around the Arctic.

    What Jennifer Francis is studying is the possibility of a consistent impact, due to warming, on the weather patterns around the Arctic that are hence more consistently impacting the polar jet stream in a way that could be causing more frequent and significant excursions of the polar jet stream further south.


    So while you are focusing on A - the stratospheric cooling impacts - the scientists are also recognising B - contrary ozone effects on stratospheric cooling; also recognising C - summer and winter changes of the polar vortex; and D - Jennifer Francis' work on changing circulation and weather patterns around the Arctic, due to Arctic heating itself, that appear to also be affecting the polar jet stream and possibly causing more of these polar jet stream excursions.


    So no, I am not "a fool [who] would argue that a cooling STRATOSPHERE which is apparently a "footprint" of CO2 could cause the Polar Vortex to have a Equatorial excursion."
    I am trying to pint out to you that other factors also affect this. And that your focus on A does not exclude separate impacts of B (and C and D).

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