mjp you are not thinking clearly now.
A couple of points here. Using the IPCC report only.
I have established the following that we should both agree upon before you further muddy the waters.
1. A decline in Stratosphere OZONE and a increase in ghg's have the same effect. THE STRATOSPHERE COOLS.
2. The jet stream and the polar vortex have been observed to contract poleward from the 70s to the mid 90s.
3. Paradoxically stratospheric WARMING EVENTS are responsible for the equatorward motions of the Polar cell bringing with it oall that cold miserbale weather. This is also known as the loosening of the polar vortex.
Now read this again in its entirety. Not just the highlighted sect. Everything in this is as stated above.
Increasing ghg's , strato O3 depletion means poleward shift.
Please dont tell me the physics is different i the southern hemisphere? Or is it?