From the fourth report AR4. If the ill informed BELIEVE we can...

  1. 9,012 Posts.
    From the fourth report AR4.

    If the ill informed BELIEVE we can simultaneously have an expanding Hadley Cell and a expanding Polar Cell well to be frank they are plain stupid or just bullsheepling the sheep.

    NOW THIS IS IMPORTANT for the sheep.  particularly the bullysheeplers.  Take note on what GLOBAL CLIMATE MODELS agree on with there projections!  Just for you @mjp2

    The following is from:  chapter 10, Global Climate Projections  page 782


    gpt contracting vorte.PNG

    Regional Climate Projections Chapter 11 - pge 888


    Stratospheric Cooling and the Polar Vortex.  LOL.  It does not matter what causes.  But Strato cooling and the PV has firmly been shown to tighten.  Yet you continue to ARHUE against your own CAPTAIN.

    strat ozone - pv.PNG

    I just thought I would post on what the IPCC have to say about the QBO.

    Funny how this sparky  in the Top End of Australia with a interest in Solar physics has linked the planetary motions of Jupiter and Mars to it as previously posted here

    QBO modeling.PNG

    qbo continuation.PNG
    Last edited by jopo: 25/03/19
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