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Originally posted by andy25
I attended the Melbourne lunch and learn today in Melbourne. There were 3 things i was impressed with that I took away with me.
1. During Q&A, there was large variety of professionals from different industries asking questions, ie councils, planners, civil engineers, universitiy lecturers, traffic management.... who would of thought traffic management companies would use Nearmap for their TMP's!
2. The Hypercamera 2 capture and 3d capabilities look very impressive.
3. The tools imbedded into the new map browser (to be released in the next few months) are a definitely improvement and will certainly help many industries.
Feedback from a long term user of Nearmap and a happy shareholder.
The company I used to work for had a big TMP department and everything was done on Nearmap... for years actually. Nearmap is huge in the traffic industry, we use it all the time.