..."I am like a kid awaiting Christmas (5/12 - updated figures/report)"...
Hi Simmpa,
As much as I would like for you to be correct re your waiting for the 05.12.18 for updated figures/partners...it would be the 1st time ever that a Company would provide a set date on which price sensitive information would be released (unless in a T/H)...I think you misread the announcement.
But yes, EcoGraf has changed this story completely and thanks to Trumps attempts in leveling the playing field vs China, Co's such as KNL will benefit strongly, Germany is in a scramble on what to do re Battery Manufacturing and is slowly but surely coming to the realisation that there will be no way around spending BIG $$ and starting up their own Complete Battery Manufacturing and not just trying to get away with assembling 3rd part components which for now still only available from China/Korea/Japan...to start their own Complete Battery Manufacturing, raw material supply contract will need to be made, and they will need to be made very very soon...they know it will take ~2 years for new supply to come online to be able to supply their new battery factories...then to top it off there is very strong awareness re Green Supply Credentials = Eco Graf and Epanko which will be constructed and operated to IFC Performance Standards (Equator Principles) and World Bank Environmental, Health & Safety Guidelines will be prime candidates for the job.
Very BIG Money is looking for the right partners...
It won't happen overnight, but the 'earnings per share' will be very enojable.
All IMO!!
There is so much happening and so little shares to go around.