WTF? I would have thought CDY needs to gain some tangible business credibility at home first....including that being representative in the share price.
If the best CDY SP can do in its "home" market is to get to 3 cents....then, after a 20:1 consolidation get to .50c (in order to gain some "credibility") ...then continually sliding down to .22c (or .011c pre-consolidation) then what the hell do you think will happen in the more financially sophisticated & deeper US market?
I am not, by any means, a fan of anything with US involvement, but I think CDY would be insulting the US market by trying to list there before the business has some measure of real credibility.
To register as even a "penny stock" on the US market, the share price has to be at least USD $5. What do you think the Board has up their sleeve to attain a SP of USD $5???? They can't even keep the Ozzie SP at AUD .50 cents. They could do another consolidation of 22:1 ... which would drop my holding to 3,750 shares (previously held 1,000,000)!
The science and the products are what's not working...?
Just for the record, I think Soud's comment (on the NM thread) is very worthwhile and the Board could do a lot worse by considering it.