I am totally amazed that after all this time some people finally...

  1. 5,094 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 143
    I am totally amazed that after all this time some people finally see the stupidity and hilarity of these sites……The information gleaned from the posts give one a barrel full of material to play with. Laughter is the best and i hope i die laughing because life is a stage full of comedic material.
    You are slowly exiting the cave of normality and entering the realm of insanity. Certainly the first sign of insanity sign of insanity is to repeat oneself oneself…..the second sign is to laugh at your own jokes. Put them together and you have something that repeatedly laugh at their own jokes…….
    I chortle and i find chortling is the greatest pleasure one can have. It is the self satisfaction that you have amused yourself and the knowledge that it doesn't matter who else it pleases.
    When with others…… chortle…. don't laugh and see the difference it makes to a conversation….It gives the appearance of superiority. it lets the others know that you know what you're talking about because you have seen it or been there before.
    You have not ignored their being just wallowed in the moment.
    The thing i enjoy about this, is i am never alone because i share everyones humour, experiences and views.

    Oh stop it G2……You're breaking me up. Chortle Chortle.
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