You don't know what you are talking about and are out of your...

  1. 1,921 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 23
    You don't know what you are talking about and are out of your depth - please go read this -
    Just giving you some time to read.
    Now, based on the material I have given you, could you please advise how BTC which doesn't fit any single characteristic of a ponzi scheme is in fact a ponzi scheme???

    Some characteristics of a Ponzi Scheme from the Wiki so you dont have to flick back to it:

    Typically, Ponzi schemes require an initial investment and promise well-above-average returns.[7] They use vague verbal guises such as "hedge futures trading", "high-yield investment programs", or "offshore investment" to describe their income strategy. It's common for the promoter to take advantage of a lack of investor knowledge or competence, or sometimes claim to use a proprietary, secret investment strategy in order to avoid giving information about the scheme.
    Initially, the promoter will pay high returns to attract investors and entice current investors to invest more money. When other investors begin to participate, a cascade effect begins. The "return" to the initial investors is paid by the investments of new participants, rather than from profits of the product.
    Often, high returns encourage investors to leave their money within the scheme, so the operator does not actually have to pay very much to investors. The promoter will simply send statements showing how much they have earned, which maintains the deception that the scheme is an investment with high returns. Investors within a Ponzi scheme may even face difficulties when trying to get their money out of the investment.
    Promoters also try to minimize withdrawals by offering new plans to investors where money cannot be withdrawn for a certain period of time in exchange for higher returns. The promoter sees new cash flows as investors cannot transfer money. If a few investors do wish to withdraw their money in accordance with the terms allowed, their requests are usually promptly processed, which gives the illusion to all other investors that the fund is solvent, or financially sound.
    Ponzi schemes sometimes commence operations as legitimate investment vehicles, such as hedge funds. Hedge funds can easily degenerate into a Ponzi-type scheme if they unexpectedly lose money or fail to legitimately earn the returns expected. If the promoters fabricate false returns or produce fraudulent audit reports instead of admitting their failure to meet expectations, the operation is a Ponzi scheme.
    A wide variety of investment vehicles or strategies, typically legitimate, have become the basis of Ponzi schemes. For instance, Allen Stanford used bank certificates of deposit to defraud tens of thousands of people. Certificates of deposit are usually low-risk and insured instruments, but the Stanford CDs were fraudulent.[8]

    Think about it, Where is the money going when you buy BTC?? To BTC CO to pay old investors in the CO or to the party who sold the BTC for an agreed price?? Where is the promised ROI? where does BTC claim its profits come from?? Who are the old investors who arent getting ROI if they sold their coins?

    You are simply buying a tradeable financial instrument. BTC is just another free market, bought and sold or traded for goods, services, or other cryptocurrencies/FIAT. That is all....

    Gonna cut Warren Buffet some slack - he probably confused Bitcoin with Bitconnect which WAS actually a ponzi scam (probably very easy to do at nearly 90 years old, similar letters and stuff) and all you Buffet fanboys would simply rather take an 87yo's word for gospel on a matter where he admits he knows nothing about it instead of actually look into the subject for yourselves. Go buy some nice good old fashion coal plays, I hear it is making a comeback. Waz probably made a bunch on it back in the day! Haha....

    Anyway, you're really just making a fool of yourself now, so please, do yourself a favour and either go get educated or stfu.
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