Hi Lav,
Q has never said that martial law would be declared on January 3. So you are disparaging Q without good reason to do so.
It is possible that the original poster misinterpreted a Q drop, or made an erroneous conclusion from clues he found.
Q never predicted martial law on January 3
So you are justified in calling out the original poster for an error.
But you have no basis for saying "Q is garbage", because Q never claimed martial law would be in effect January 3.
You, on the other hand, are confounding the operation of Military Tribunals with Martial Law.
Military Tribunals can operate without the country being declared as under martial law.
You are changing the subject by asking to see the miliary trials of George, Jeb, or McCain.
It has no bearing on your repeated misstatements that equate the operation of military tribunals with martial law.
But to address your question, which is a valid subject of concern:
It is my opinion that both McCain and George Sr. were executed after military tribunals.
The evidence is circumstantial, but it is nonetheless present.
I have no opinion on whether Jeb will be subject to UCMJ or not.
The fact that the press has been invited to the proceedings of the Islamic in Guantanamo proves that the Military Tribunals are operating without martial law being declared. Further the legal basis for prosecution of civilians is established, the precedent and protocols for press observation are being established,
and the jurisdiction of the tribunals over certain offences is being confirmed.
Guantanamo has been visited by Sessions and either Mattis or Kelly...I forget which one. Hundreds of millions have been spent renovating Guantanamo. And I can tell you from my own first-hand knowledge that regular and National Guard units of the armed forces have recently been deployed there.
My opinion is informed from these facts.
My opinion is that the current trial is preparation for high profile tribunals involving prominent American criminals and traitors.
Some will be tried for treason, some for crimes against humanity (mass murder), some for both.
In my opinion the following individuals are likely to be tried there:
Hillary, George, Bill, Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Obama, Podesta. Also others, known to the public and unknown. People in high places.
It is possible that even high level Federal judges will be implicated.
I believe the following individuals maybe tried but may escape execution: Strzok,Page, Huma, Carlin, Clapper, and many others.
You are ignoring the facts in front of you.
The preparations in Guamtanamo are not being done for three dozen inmates who are already there.