Every man and his dog, or, sorry, every women with her dog, want it to go up and I believe it will. Forget the old fashioned drivers, geo-political, inflation and all that, as to me it is the GROWTH and AFFLUENCE of a rising Asia that, one way or another, is driving gold higher. From what I read, chances are, there will simply be not enough of the precious metal to go around. A total of 6.39 billion people – or 86 percent of the world's population – live in emerging markets and developing economies, while only about 1.07 billion live in so-called advanced economies. Wow, 6 BILLION people who would add to the demand for gold.
But, for me, the big question is, when will the real boom hit? Now, not so likely, or in 5-15 years time, when all those folk get wealthy.
After all, the average wage in China is only around US $12,000 PA, while India it is a mere US $400 PA.