My chart reflects Tasmania generation - exports & imports. Momentum was buying and reselling on the mainland - nothing to do with my chart.
I think the switching between imports & exports from 15th - 20th Dec 2015 was about price signals on the NEM - if there was a high price quoted in Vic they tried to export into it - conversely with imports - I could post the 5 minute prices.
I have followed the media on the Basslink crisis and nobody has addressed the issue of why -
In mid Dec 15 early in the summer dry season -
after a second wet season with low rainfall -
and at a time of very low and falling dam levels -
with debt & liabilities ~between 1 & $2Billion -
Hydro felt compelled to suddenly start intermittent exports ~15th Dec -
which required them to deplete dam levels even faster -
with exports running at times very near the max MW rating for Basslink -
which in a few days lead to the Basslink failure.
I wonder what net money Hydro/TasGovt hoped to make from those exports?
Presumably the risk of crashing Basslink was little considered.
Those to me are key questions that I have not seen addressed.