This is Mr Lincoln Augustus, first second cousin of Holymagimon.
So it just ticking over to evening here and the family been to the Church of the Three Wise Men to attend another fine sermon by the Reverend Moshe Goldblum, and it was truly a fine sermon, it was. The Reverend told us of the Three Wise Men, hallelujah, and of the pretenders who would be kings.
"And we drink, brothers, to cleanse our spirits of the seeds of the devil that reside in the bottom of the barrel and chase the smokes of evil that swirl with the living dead."
Oh yes, the good Reverend was right in the spirit of things and I am but guessing that the spirits of things were also completely sloshing within the good Reverend too. So we drank once to the cleansing and we drank once again, and by miracles, the holy water had turned to Red Stripes and aided us in our redeeming.
Then, in the middle of the speech, Reverend Moshe Goldblum suddenly stopped, just as a shaft of pink coloured light lit up his beatific face and lifted up his face to the heavens. And then, he drew deeply on a Jamicca Numba One that the Good Lord must have somehow placed between his trembling lips and said "Brothers, I see the light, I see it clearly now. Hellalujah!"
And we replied "Amen!" For we are God fearing souls who do not wish to fall to the temptations of the fallen one, though, as Baboo says, Ms Naomi Goody is sometimes quite a devil reincarnated, and a very knowledgable one at that. And to this, the good Reverend Goldblum will readily testify.
And the Reverend intoned "We must follow the word of the man."
At which point I must confess that my mind wandered to more earthly things as to what the relative values of Eden and Tasman were. For had not Reverend Moshe Goldblum told us that we must follow the word of the man?
Which man though? The words of a director who knows everything or the words of Mr Nurserymon who claims to know even more?
We sat in confusion, such thoughts befuddled our little brains. What do we do? For the family had decided to put some money from Holymagimon's recent excellent sales of the Jamicca Numba One into either Eden or Tasman.
We tried to work this out. The Board says one Tasman is worth 1.3 Eden shares, and if this is right, then Tasman is severely undervalued. We would hope that they know, as they are also on the board of Eden, so they should have a very good understanding of the relative values of both companies, and that be a fact.
But what if they don't know what they are talking about?
What if Mr Nurserymon is right and he knows more than the board? For he must be a man with a wealth of experience in shares and arbitraging, being, as he confesses, 84 years of age. Four score years and four, to be exact.
And we wondered, as we gave our thanks to the Lord with the Red Stripes and the Jamicca Numba One Holy Sunday Blen (which instilled within us deep spiritual guidance and more), what special divinity empowered the aforementioned Mr Nurserymon gentleman, that he was so blessedly enpowered in his thoughts and actions. We marvelled to ourselves as to how much wisdom he had been blessed with, praise be to the Lord, that he knew more than those who would know all.
Alvin the Idiot feels that Mr Nurserymon has been very kind to be insighting us with his wisdom. Alvin confesses that he would not be sharing such brilliant insight if he had had it, as isn't the motive of investing yo make money, and isn't the way to make money best done by keeping brilliant insights to oneself? But we have to remind you that Alvin is an Idiot, and his thoughts are worth nought. This gentlemon is one smart arbitraging cookie for sure, and we humble Jamicans demure to his 84 years of wisdom.
But we simple folk, we are of the understanding that the Tasman Board and the Eden Board should possibly understand the company much more than us simple Jamaicans, and if they say the ratio is 1 Tasman: 1.3 Eden, who are we to argue.
We feel sure, for a fact, that Eden can never be taken over without Tasman agreeing to the equation.
We would think that it would be a fact that the members of the Eden and Tasman Boards would like to sell out for as high a price as possible, which is definitely not now, nor in the foreseeable future. And they hold a controlling interest in the whole equation.
So perhaps all the non-consequential talking and yimmering and yammering about takeovers and such likes should be put under the coal sacks of Baboo Runchik, in the back of his cart, and not brought out for a few years of more.
By and by, the venture should pay dividends, as the development progresses.
Then, each Tasman share will get 1.3 times the dividend of an Eden share, via the Noble holdings. Assuming that Tasman withholds a portion of this received dividend for operational costs.....shareholders (and the Tasman Board shareholders) should still get at least 1.2 times what an Eden share gets, when dividends are paid.
And if a full takeover bid ever eventuates (perhaps a few years from now) the family feels that Directors would surely like to maximise their returns. And what better for them to maximise their returns than to distribute the Noble shareholding in Eden, on a pro rata basis, to Tasman shareholders. Then, as the Tasman Board repeatedly states, one Tasman share will be translated into 1.3 Eden shares, value wise. And everybody will retire into the sunset, to settle down with the Numba Ones and the Red Stripes, to waste their life's in indulgent excesses.
Tasman is now basically a shareholding company in Eden with some mining tenements as well. But its priority asset is Eden, and shareholder wealth is going to derive from this Eden holding, plain and simple.
As Uncle Remus says, that could be very well the reason why the main shareholding of those who hold the strings are in Tasman and not in Eden. Because that is where the major and controlling value of this whole exercise is in. Irrespective of what some may repeatedly say, for reasons that elude the collective brains of the family.
We have had so many confusing messages thrown around on relative values that it has fair addled our minds, and we would not be thinking straight, if not for the Numba One and the Red Stripes that have saved our souls, hallelujah and praise be to the Lord.
So we have decided to put our money into Tasman in the morrow and we will invest in one Tasman share. We hope that the big bad bot that Mr Nurserymon is always talking about will be out there again, selling one share in Tasman first thing tomorrow, for I must be assuring the brobros that, as sure as the weather will be good and the ladies will be willing in the morrow, so too will the family be buying up that botmon's one share in the Tasman.
Blessing of the Lord.
Mr Lincoln Augustus, PhD(Phil) LLB, JMDO,