That sounds about right . I think PBT2 was tested to 800mg without reaching dose limiting toxicity. The only time I know of that a Prana MPAC was taken higher was when the more toxic Clioquinol was taken to 1600 x 2 per day before reaching toxicity, in a small P1 in refractory blood cancer trial in Canada. "These authors concluded that the poor activity was due to poor intracellular delivery of CQ" . A subsequent study of a CQ/copper combination also did not fare much better."The methods described are suitable for development formulations of other analogues of 8-hydroxyquinoline which could prove to be more potent." The dose limiting study, I guess, was tolerated at the much higher dose levels, because patients were refactory(exhausted all treatment options)
This paper is less than 12 months old and drifting off topic a little. " Interestingly, epidemiologic reports suggest that CQ was not responsible for SMON and no other population showed a similar adverse response [1, 2]. Today, CQ is commonly used as a topical antibiotic under the trade name Vioform® [2] and more recently, this drug has been the focus of repurposing efforts for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease [4, 5] and cancer [6, 7]."
Maybe some of Prana's MPACs could be repurposed as topical antibiotics.