Takeovers Panel - Nido Petroleum, page-2006

  1. 4,846 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1097
    Check this post out, its from my favourite UK poster, I have been asking one of the posters to tell me why VRS nanene only has a surface area of 45m2 when single layer graphene has a surface area of 2360m2, they use a method called BET, they get a 1 gram sample then apply gas, the gas sorption  to determine the surface area, according to Quantachrome it will be around 50 layers in thickness.



    I can explain that as I asked the question long ago and once again it has been covered many times here.

    If you saw recent posts, a few grams contain trillions of platelets.

    Now when we see a gram a pile it isn't 1,315 m2 laid out on a table, as that is what it would need if they were laid out edge to edge

    What some do, which apparently do which isn't the scientific correct way, is simply to take the surface area of graphene then divide it by then number of platelet layers to give a per m2 number.

    That's not how it works in reality. In their raw form and mixed into something they overlap.

    So the m2 figures are based on the point.

    The info is there for all to read and has been covered repeatedly.
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