ITT 0.00% 1.6¢ intermet resources limited

takeover by hgo capital gain relief

  1. 331 Posts.
    I presume the extract (below)from the 144 page announcement means - don't cash early wait and let it happen so as to maximise Capital Gains Relief????

    (a) InterMet Shares with an inherent capital gain
    Rollover relief
    Under Australian taxation legislation, holders of InterMet Shares may be entitled to the benefit of “scrip
    for scrip” CGT rollover relief where the disposal of the InterMet Shares would otherwise realise an
    assessable capital gain. Broadly, CGT rollover relief under these provisions is available to InterMet
    Shareholders who exchange shares (acquired after 19 September 1985) in one company for shares in
    another company where the transaction is made pursuant to a takeover bid and provided the “qualifying
    conditions” referred to in the next paragraph are satisfied.
    The “qualifying conditions” referred to are that Hillgrove must make an offer to all InterMet
    Shareholders to acquire their voting InterMet Shares and Hillgrove must become the owner of at least
    80% of the voting InterMet Shares as a consequence of the Offer.
    CGT rollover relief would become available if Hillgrove acquired InterMet Shares such that after the
    Offer it owned at least 80% in number of all InterMet Shares. In these circumstances, an InterMet
    Shareholder that would otherwise realise a capital gain in respect of the disposal of its InterMet Shares
    pursuant to acceptance of the Offer, may choose to claim CGT rollover relief in respect of that disposal.
    If the pre-conditions for CGT rollover relief are satisfied, then those InterMet Shareholders who elect for
    it to apply should not be required to include any amount of capital gain in their assessable income in
    respect of the disposal of their InterMet Shares. For such InterMet Shareholders, the cost base of the
    New Hillgrove Shares, generally, will equal the cost base of their InterMet Shares. Furthermore, the time
    of acquisition of the New Hillgrove Shares by an InterMet Shareholder, will be the time of acquisition of
    the InterMet Shares by the Bidder, exchanged under this Offer
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