OsiYou do worry too much about that region . The blueprint...

  1. 7,214 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 153
    You do worry too much about that region .
    The blueprint ....imo ...is that religions have to be softened , and future neighbours live peacefully .
    Turkey is halfway to become a good neighbour and Syria without Iran will meet the target .
    What is the od out is Iran , BUT if is isolated will come to party .

    Did you noticed something with US-Russian tactics ??
    Once US have problems with a country , Russians stepping in ?? . Cuba ,Iraq, Egypt , Venezuela , Turkey ,Vietnam , N.Korea .... etc.
    At the end  , all turning their backs to Russians , and befriended with US .
    Can you give an explanation to this .
    IMO , US & Russians , never were enemies . Just political games to suit each other's interests .   
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