"NEU was one company who really raised the bar on cash...

  1. 12,826 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 90
    "NEU was one company who really raised the bar on cash management....... Really disciplined... And very good at raising non-diluting capital...."


    I assume you mean the US Army funding... & and technically speaking its not fully non-dilutive because the army gets access to NNZ for free or at cost if NNZ is a success. If you want the benchmark for SUPER DUPER NON-DILUTIVE funding, you cant go past Biota Pharma:

    * To receive $231 million from US government PLUS
    * 7% management fee on that $231 million PLUS
    * Not giving up one cent in ownership of drug PLUS
    * The US Govt will buy the drug when its marketed.

    A company with a drug that has a 80% chance of success (given its already marketed in Japan) with a current market cap of $130M, less $75 million cash, less receivable of $231 million gives it like a super ridiculous negative EV.

    Its been a crap investment but like cockroaches, it will end up surviving in a nuke winter unlike most other speccy biotechs with higher market caps.

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