LVT 2.27% 21.5¢ livetiles limited

I honestly don't know breilly, but my hope is that they will in...

  1. 54 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    I honestly don't know breilly, but my hope is that they will in the medium term perform like Aconnex did. Aconex was a cloud based software company that serviced the construction industry. They have since been bought out by Oracle and are no longer listed on the ASX. The similarity between ACX and LVT is the fact that the recurring revenue is hugely scaleable without the need to spend a lot more money on R&D.

    Aconex was a lot further advanced than where LVT is by the time they were taken over as they had a lot of customers and some very large customers such as Tesla and Ikea. However there is no reason that LVT can't achieve this and in fact surpass the performance of ACX, as LVT is not pigeon holed into servicing just 1 particular industry.

    I sold out of them at $7.69. So medium term once more contracts are signed and the recurring revenue is rolling in, I would expect the share price to get to these levels and possibly higher.

    With the Microsoft partnership, Directors still being majority shareholders, the employment of N3 and David Lemphers joining the board, we may achieve the income sooner than the market anticipates.

    This is all just my humble opinion obviously DYOR
    Last edited by RhysD: 06/09/18
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Currently unlisted public company.

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