Hi Nikl, I've been away and only just caught up with your chart.
I think this is what Spec is talking about, put up your chart with
great explanation on why you would take the trade.
Now looking at my charts I can see where you entered and probably reasons for
S/L. You would have been stopped out, but hey, that's Forex.
Now what you should do is keep a copy of that trade, and it seemed there was every
possibility that it could have been a winner, and see if there was a reason you were
stopped. Was S/L to close, news event etc.
Now look at your Risk... AUD 250+. Reward...AUD 550+. If you are running
a $10000 dollar account you are a bit above what should be your mximum risk
on this one trade. If you have the Demo. converted to AUD currency, I'm only
guessing you are Australian, you were risking $ 13.95 per pip @ 1 Lot trade.
Why not trade smaller position sizes as you would if you were trading your own
money. Keep it within 1% to 2% of account Balance or AUD value equivalent.
Always remember Forex is a bloody hard slog, and unlike some here, don't
blame some unseen force that seems to take money of traders.
You take the trade some are successful, some are not.