Originally posted by BuffettWarren
10 years waiting I can assure you has me questioning if it is all a money grab. Any decent sales as they begin to happen (fingers crossed - and stress on 'decent') may end up going into more research for the always needed 'next big thing', while those at the top keep collecting their nice salaries.
What can you tell me about this company that has been making the news and is WA based? Seems to be direct competition.
Onco Res Medical
"Decent" sales will also come up if our former CEO Dr. Finkel, now our current Australian Chief Scientist, is working together with Peter Delaney, with a little push from our board, to convince our PM Scott Morrison and our Education Minister that every Highschool in Australia needs a Five2 (Viewnvivo) for their science classe!
The teacher leads from the front in the science lab with the "Five2", and the students follow on their mobiles or i-pads! How many Highschools do we have in Australia? Soon we would lead the world in science! (And have an acceptable SP too!