Yup, always a hoot when the alt-right trash talk their own...

  1. 5,924 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 18
    Yup, always a hoot when the alt-right trash talk their own formerly revered hero's.

    "And yes, I'm looking at you, retired Paul Ryan, and yes, I'm looking at you, Mitch McConnell," she added, referring to the former Republican House speaker from Wisconsin and the current Senate majority leader from Kentucky. 

    "And yes, I'm looking at you, Bush family, and yes, I'm looking at you, the ghost of John McCain," she continued with a gesture toward the ceiling.

    Ms Malkin has some very strong views about immigration and birthright citizenship, considering her parents emigrated to the US on an employer-sponsored visa just months before she was born, which makes her an "anchor baby".

    No wonder she called her blogsite "Hot Air".


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