GNX 2.38% 21.5¢ genex power limited

12months or so ago, Simon did an interview where he discussed...

  1. 29 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    12months or so ago, Simon did an interview where he discussed different states and their candidacy for pumped hyrdro. I think SA was not seen as ideal for a few reasons but I'm not 100% sure if SA was one of the states. But weatherall is open to all possibilities currently and pumped hydro is absolutely perfect solution because they will not build a coal station and nuclear not an option anymore. To have a giant 300mw battery at their disposal would solve a lot of probs but they also need some overnight solutions and gas is a real possibility. Pumped hydro would be 4 years away from commissioning even if they started feasibility now, but even if they put gas on, it would still be attractive to the state labor government to develop phs I would have though. Genex would be aware of all the possibilities for future developments but their focus will and needs to be on putting the current project away. They can then raise their eyes and start feasabilities from there and possibilities are huge once they deliver on kidston.
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