What you should rather be looking into is how racist a good...

  1. 110 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 11
    What you should rather be looking into is how racist a good proportion of the black are in today's day and age where the human race Is tryIng to movIng on....slowly.

    But they don't think they are cause only a white person can be racist....lol.

    Even more hypocritical is the fact that they are NOT in fact the original land owners in South AfrIca.

    The Khoisan are.
    They are a totally seperate and marginalised ethnic group that got basically wiped because they are not nearly as aggressive as the other "tribes". They look and act very dIfferent to say a Zulu.

    They have basIcally no represention.

    So either restore the land to the Khoisan....
    Not Zulu's etc.
    Or just drop it entirely and move on.
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