KR I appreciate things that look good. The architecture of...

  1. 11,643 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 170

    I appreciate things that look good.

    The architecture of buildings, bridges and such are high on my list of architecture to appreciate.

    Sometimes I find out about the back story, that’s a great thing when I stumble onto the story but it doesn’t detract from beautiful architecture.

    I’ll take a punt and say “ most black SA’s” would look and only see white mans money, fair enough too.

    I agree with your comments.

    Without the money, will to make a beautiful building, finding the right person to design it and the bit that benefits the unskilled types, training those people ( giving an unskilled person a chance to become a skilled person) is/was a gift that money couldn’t buy.

    So I don’t see a clash of cultures in the old buildings but a blending of cultures.

    To look at the negatives all the time is to dwell in the past and it is important to remember the past but it is more important, when looking at the past to understand the benefits as well.

    From what has been said, it’s not black and/or white but just part of the journey.
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