They started drilling Hole 0028 at the end of November and we still haven't received any updates thus far, I am sure massive sulphides would have been seen by now, both with the naked eye and XRF analysis. It is very tough for the entire mining and exploration sector, there is so much blood on the market.
We need a discovery to reignite the passion and zest for the mining sector in 2001 we had the big prominent hill discovery which helped the Minotaur shares gallop from 10 cents to 2.50, in 2005 we had the Carapateena discovery which was discovered by Ruby and was an independent venture, in 2008 we had the Rex minerals Hillside discovery, in 2009 we had the sand fire resources Degrussa discovery we also had the gold discovery by Regis resources and gold acquisitions by northern star resources which helped them become a gold producer. In 2012 we had the first big graphite story with Syrah resources and of course Sirius being one of the most defining stories of the decade with a large nickel and copper deposit. In 2013 the iron ore prices were tumbling which started to create nervous jitters around the entire mining sector and by this time our high dollar had also done a lot of damage in the LNG sector with a lot of businesses moving away and looking else where. In 2014 we had the LNG stock doing wonders and in 2015 the stand out performer in terms of resources stocks is GMM as lithium seems to be the new graphite, how long this pattern will last I am not sure. Now MPJ have an outstanding research team with some amazing prospects, it all comes down to hole 28 otherwise it will be tough from here on to raise capital.
Now to the prospect
- hole 0028 is part of a dhem conductor with previous nickel being indentified right above this conductor, it has a high Mgo content which increases with depth, Now it has been almost three weeks since they started drilling what could possibly be the reason for no updates thus far, I just hope that we have an ore body here, the indicators are there I guess it's a matter of finding a needle in the haystack from here on. Come on mining sector I know there is still more discoveries to be made after all this is a land of great resources and I am sure Sirius resources isn't the last discovery!!!