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Originally posted by Pharmargeddon
Hi Redant,
I think we sort of have to wait until things settle down a bit.
There has to be a lot of unknowns for the companies involved as to demand so it is really up to the ordering dept of each retailer as to when and how much.
There is probably a pretty fine line that Cellmid/Advangen is treading on supply at the moment especially with Bloomingdales launching straight into retail stores in July and a Million dollar day planned in Japan in June.
This is all conjecture on my part (as usual) and I dont really know of any way of establishing a handle on demand and supply apart from keeping tabs on those places that give us an indication.
Neiman Marcus is still sending Reverse Activator out the door online every day, but it's anybodys' guess as to NM retail stores and what they are chewing through.
Thanks for the reply Pharma. What I am really looking for is who is the manufacturer of Evolis products. Do we have our own manufacturing plant or do we buy in our product from someone else?