There continues to be major short selling of this stock.
So what more do the shorters hope to achieve ?
They have achieved the goal of having 57% of MOF's equity handed over to them at a knockdown price.
So what do they want next ??
Are the trying to manipulate the completion of the equity raising somehow ?
Are the shorters pre-selling the shares they expect to have to take under the equity raising underwriting arrangement ?
Are they trying to manoevre MOF into unsolvency ? ( Unlikely after the capital raising ).
Are they trying to manoevre MOF into yet another capital raising ( seems to be unlikely to me ).
Are they trying to force more margin calls for MOF shareholders ? ( seems unlikely at this point )
It is really hard to see how they can successfully force MOF unit price down to substantially lower levels at this point.
So why are they doing it ? It makes very little sense.