The auditor has expressed his opinion, which shows real risk again of this going under. So the experts differ from your opinion
The company is already in breach of its loan agreement which is a pretty crummy place to be.
TPG's "Generous Terms" as you put it is 20%pa interest...
Hardly generous..
Its been 4 months since the half yearly report was issued
The $25M loan was fully drawn. They had $4.5M in cash $4.75M Current Liabilities, Trade and other Payables $9.3M Non Current Liabilities Trade and other Payables..
They have run out of money, already, again.
Oman 2-20 production after fracking was zero for January
The only other producing well is Utah Fuel 10 Daily production has been declining over the last 4 months Only producing 0.168mmcf/day in January