Originally posted by Zestfulmocha
This wiki page is pretty cool, you can filter the exchanges by market caps, volume, and more importantly perhaps the opening hours? Considering ASX is pretty small/low volume compared to many There should be plenty of opportunity in some of the other local markets - Japan or India might be interesting options? There's 3 Chinese exchanges, I don't know which is "Chi-X".
Unless you're trading on a pure technical basis, might be hard to trade those exchanges however given language barriers. Otherwise, the Euro exchanges all look pretty good and open in our afternoon I think. Germany or London look okay too? I expect English speaking forums, articles etc. also probably easier to access.
Thanks mate that is very helpful and a good place to start. Yep trading purely technicals now so don’t mind about the language. I know most equities have a highish degree of correlation but I’m going to spend the next few weeks studying which have the least. I don’t reAlly want to go into other instruments just yet so this is my pitiful diversification effort!