There’s an easy 4 bags on HLX. Ignore the chart, powerful forces in play. 12m @ 6.6% Cu 1.8%Zn 0.9gpt Au and 22gpt Ag from 81m to 93m gold eq 12gpt with a bonus 4m @ 2.5% Cu plus accessories from 101m in a second zone.
Reached a market cap of $28m at almost the bottom of the Copper price.
Since then mineralization has been extended nearly 1km down plunge and to 420m from surface.
Two more gold deposits found on the Cobar gold project.
MHC Joshua Jv Chile porphyry
Jogmec jv into Samuel porphyry
Yathella has higher grade oxides than Collerina and Also picked up Mundarlo.
SFR,IGO,AMI and AIS looking for M&A.
SBM into PEX and NST into Venturex going outside of pure gold tells you something.
If Venturex is worth $45m HLX must be worth considerably more soon I am guessing.
Look at the chart below, bit of a head scratcher that one..