Here is the automated ranking results (draft) from the new set up. (please note that this is all automated so far, so I apologise if there is any calculations errors).
As everyone can see there is this
Conflict of Interest thingy. Given some inconsistency in the calculations at this stage, I am happy to exclude myself from the ranking calculations, and possibly refrain from submitting tips in the future (as long as I am involved in tip processing).
I have not completed codes for 12 weeks stats yet. All data is processed in Access and then exported to Excel only to present similar to Free's reporting, therefore it takes a bit of time than spreadsheet formatting (but helps in the long term).
Previous 1 and 2 ranked tipsters are missing from the above list as you can see, so I checked what happened to them during the black out period. This was done as the first manual check for consistency and continuation, based on Free's results presented in a txt file somewhere in August last year. I hope to go through the current top ranked players to see if there is any big issues with the calculations.
Until the big issues are sorted, I would keep Jerseys un-offered. Hope everyone will agree with that.