Short Term Trading Week Starting: 17 Oct, page-203

  1. 280 Posts.
    @Anton Chigurh
    I can't help with a balanced view on PLH. It looks good to me. Just needs some lithium %'s in their announcements. Some drill hits in the near future will do wonders. Or the announcement of the lithium manager might do it if he/she has some cache. At least no Cr to dampen any move when it does happen.

    Seems they've messed with the tried and true lithium pump formula of drill, annouce, then cap raise. Acquisition, cap raise, then drill? Market can't comprehend such an unusually forward thinking mentality. My tip expires on Monday so I'm sure you'll have plenty of time re-tip at this rate of s.p. movement.

    @Sector Lead
    PLH may look like their potash is on the back burner but it won't drift too much from their focus as there is performance shares tied in with a DFS. Separate management teams for each resource too.
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