Looks pretty good and already paying a neat little divvy, new lappy for you coming soon Id say....see my FA chart below
I don't hold but might now, thanks for bringing it up
My only caution is the gap between EY and DY I usually like to see DY about half or less that of EY so not quite there atm but with Sales and EPS growing should see this rectified during this first part of the year...but I haven't followed their journey/ story..... there may be others here a lot closer
Looks like it may go a little lower here .23 has shown good S/R though
Good luck
See below for an explanation of the Fundamental Analysis in either the grey panel on the right-hand side of my chart or running across the header if it’s a list of stocks that I’ve posted
FA explanation
Starting from the top...EY (earnings yield) and DY (dividend yield) I like to see DY at about half or even less that of EY as the higher EY tells me the company can keep paying outits dividend from its actual earnings. DS (dividend safety) needs to be 50 or higher. DG (forecasted annualised % dividend growth) I like DG at least 7 or higher, this tells me that the dividend is likely to grow. RV/ RS/ RT and CI all ideally need to be at least 1 or higher...but RSand RV being more important fundamentally...for strong fundamentals RS needs to above 1 at a minimum...RT is an entry/ exit signal, when RTabove 1 that’s good and when below 1 not so. GRT (annualised % growth forecast) I like Co's at 8 and above. GPE (growth to PE) or PEG in Aust... a number greater than 1.00generally means the company is considered undervalued. EPS (earnings per share) this is a leading 12-month earnings per share forecast... higher the better….PE (price to earnings ratio) shows the number of dollars required by the company to buy $1 of earnings, so a lower PEisbetter, certainly one t