Cash Offers
I was talking tongue in cheek ( as the saying goes) Cash offers don't really interest me ( unless it's really good) because I would prefer to go to production. To me that's the only way to lift the SP, when everything is signed and the mine starts being developed. After that when the product starts going to market, hopefully then FMS share price would be so much higher.
Been in FMS for too long to accept a low SP, however if deals get made behind the scenes, (and I presume discussions have been going on) we are just along for the ride, and possibly have to accept the results. I find all of this very interesting and I have earned my right to express my opinion.
My recent experience with Atlas Iron (AGO) tells me that things can change instantly, and everything is out of our hands. But we can hope and dream of a great SP, and a happy ending for all, everything's good, I'm very flexible.
Do your own research, this is not advice