I understand that the people of North Syria don't want these people either. I assume that South Syria and Iraq hold the same view. Iraq is executing those who actively contributed to ISIS and the Kurdish led forces in North Syria don't have the capacity to hold the large number of ISIS fighters and associates that are currently in their prison camps.
In the middle of it all there are sick and sometimes starving kids and of course many are orphaned or separated from family.
Maybe it would be through the care and education of the ISIS kids (including underage conscripts) that the ISIS version of the Wahhabi cult can be finally defeated. This is where global funds need to be focussed.
I have no sympathy for Shamina Begum. The internet made these wars real to many of us. I have seen 11 and 12 year old boys being executed with a badly aimed AK47 and the impact of each bullet was very real. I have seen a naked 30 year old woman having her throat cut on a steel table while being fondled by ISIS fighters. I have seen a 6 year old girl in a pink party dress after having her head removed by ISIS. Then there was the beheading of a 7 year old boy, in front of his pleading family, in a town square, for alleged blasphemy. Begum has been rightly stripped of her British citizenship for continuing to justify the ISIS cult.
Begum's baby son on the other hand remained a British Citizen. More should have been done to provide care for her baby and of course the other kids in these camps.