sec to create large trader reporting system, page-5

  1. 199 Posts.
    Encl. copy of letter received from ASIC. If you remember the gist of my letter to them was, that I did not believe they were capable of supervising the market, as they did not have the expertise, equivalent to the writers of the programs,you will read that the answer by them , once again, did not address the point I made. I will write to them pointing this out. Here is their letter.

    Thank you for your correspondence of I April 2010 raising concerns about the
    integrity of ASX Ltd in conducting a fair market and the proposed changes to the
    sup ervi sion of Australia's financial markets.

    Supervision of Licensed Markets

    Under the current regulatory regime, all financial market operators such as ASX must
    obtain an Australian Market Licence under the Corporations Act 2001 ("the Act").
    The market operators are responsible for the supervision of market participants and
    listed entities, while ASIC is responsible for ensuring that the market operator meets
    its statutory obligations.

    ASX holds an Australian Market Licence under Part7.2 of the Act. The general
    obligations of a market licensee are set out in section 192A of the Act and include an
    obligation to do all things necessary to ensure that the market is a fair, orderly and
    transparent market; and the market licensee must have adequate arrangements for
    supervising the market.

    ASIC regularly conducts an Assessment of all market licensees' compliance with their
    obligations. The Australian Securities Exchange Market Assessment Report ts
    available on our website: The report details various actions and
    recommendations made by ASIC and we refer you to this document for further
    information regarding ASIC's assessment of the ASX.

    Both ASX and ASIC identify suspicious conduct that may impact on the ASX's
    market and which may constitute a breach of the ASX listing rules, ASX market rules
    r the Act. ASX is required to notify ASIC of any actual or suspected significant
    breach of its operating rules or the Act.

    Changes to Supervision of Trading

    On24 August 2009, the Australian Govemment decided to transfer responsibility to
    ASIC for the supervision of real-time trading on Australia's domestic licensed
    markets. This change, which will take effect on 1 July 2010, will mean that ASIC will
    become responsible for supervising trading activities by market participants that take
    place on a licensed financial market, and for supervising the conduct of persons in
    relation to domestic licensed financial markets. Market operators will retain
    responsibility for monitoring and enforcing compliance with the remaining operating
    rules, including listing rules for entities listed on their exchange.

    ASIC has proposed new ASIC Market Integrity Rules for ASX and details of the
    proposed framework are set out in ASIC Consultation Paper 131 (available on our

    Algorithmic Trading

    You have raised concems generally about algorithmic trading, also known as "1og
    trading" or "bot trading". ASIC works closely with ASX to ensure adequate
    supervisory arrangements are in place to supervise algorithmic trading. The
    arrangements include appropriate checks on ASX clients prior to enabling clients to
    utilise the technology to facilitate such trades; setting trading limits for clients;
    automated filters that check for compliance with the regulatory framework in real-
    time; and review mechanisms following such trades.

    Further information regarding algorithmic trading can be found on the ASX website at
    www. asx. com. aulresources/educatiorVbasics/algorithmic_trading.htm.

    Further information

    If you would like any further information about ASIC's role and the proposed changes
    to the regulatory framework for market supervision, please visit the Markets page on
    ASIC's website or the website for the Minister for Financial Services, Superannuation
    and Corp orate Law at www.mfsscl. treasury. gov. au.

    Thank you for raising your concerns with us as the information we receive from the
    public assists ASIC in working to build conf,rdence in the integrity of the capital

    Posts: 46
    Joined: Thu, Feb 25, 2010, 9:42pm
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