Scientists and ...!, page-1955

  1. 9,807 Posts.
    and is it to the one God?

    Based on many of his posts, His words, the answer is NO.

    "The" One God --> Deut 6:4 - Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God one LORD:
    This is The Almighty God and Father, The Most high.

    However, many faiths also have a one God and their one God is not This One God.

    John 4:24 Spirit the God as there is only One Spirit in this regard, His Spirit IS The one and only Holy Spirit.
    He is also The One and Only Word as in The Word in John 1:1
    He is also the True Light John 1:9 as he is Light 1 John 1:5 and the Father of it James 1:17, and His Word is light Psa 119:105.

    Assuming Kam is correctly describing his faith, He on several occasions has said, His prophet was the Word returned, as in Jesus returned.
    Well,....if Jesus is not the Word as the overall of the Bible shows, Kam and his faith doesn't even know the real, true Jesus, so how in God's name can they claim their prophet was Jesus returned if they cannot recognize Jesus the first time?

    Not to mention, if the Almighty God and Father is The Word, this one God,.... ripping this from Him, The Word which is also Spirit according to the Bible, then there is no question about it, You are creating another God, that which they (Adam and Eve) heard from the beginning 1 John 1:1, The Word of Life = The Almighty God and Father.

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