We can go down the road of "not waste each other's time", or,...

  1. 14,426 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    We can go down the road of "not waste each other's time", or, give it a good hard crack at trying to unite the world.
    Why do you misrepresent what I say? I said that it was a waste of time trying to convince each other as to the contradictions or lack thereof in religious writings not that uniting the world isn't a good idea.

    I have to say it again. It is a waste of time debating with you.

    I'm in the latter camp, and as little you think the uptake is, you'd be very surprised as to how many are in the latter camp too.
    Yes, there are many in the camp of uniting people; the vast majority of people in NZ are currently living this noble attribute.

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