That balkan type deal seems a bit sketchy.... Not mentioned is...

  1. 17,111 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 30
    That balkan type deal seems a bit sketchy.... Not mentioned is disarmament and disbanding. But maybe...maybe it is a sign that there might be a political solution on offer in coming months wrt Assad going into exile?  It would be great to see Syria back in the hands of Syrians and all this multitude of foreign interest sent packing... and let's face it... if Iran wasn't arming Syrian groups and bringing in ballistic missiles... and trying to permanently set it's presence in the region, this overnight Israeli strike would not have happened.

    Where do you draw the line in history for retribution?  It always depends on which side you are on. China and NK still have not got over Japan,  Russia and Japan still at technically at war 70 years on but now looking to sigh a peace treaty,

    What matters is the way forward, but some cannot life themselves from the past.  Those Romans! Where is my compensation!
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