NoBeDe Sounds very idealistic. The world revolves around wealth...

  1. 933 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 41
    Sounds very idealistic. The world revolves around wealth and arms = wealth. I don't understand how you think stopping spending on arms would miraculously equate to every African having a house, etc. They are quite capable of destroying themselves with pangas, machetes, etc, without worrying about what the USA spend their money on. If and it's a biiiig IF, military spending was curtailed those with the money would find something else to control the world, such as food production or water or disease - whoops I think they already have those covered. Face it, humanity is what we have made it - 'all about me'. Sad how billions of youngies stare at their smart phone daily and lament how hard it is to save for a macmansion or a porsche then go out and protest about refugees or the barrier reef, without even thinking that it is the incessant 'wanting' and consumption that is doing the damage which causes the shift in migration, pollution, etc.
    Switch off the internet for 1 month , (and after the tantrums have died down), and the world will be a better place as they will actually have to talk to each other instead of texting. Geez they might even enjoy it - for a month anyway.
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