Theres a hole in the budget, Dear Henry, Dear Henry,
Theres a hole in the budget, Dear Henry, a hole.
Then fix it, Dear Ruddy, Dear Ruddy, Dear Ruddy,
Then fix it, Dear Ruddy, Dear Ruddy, fix it.
With what shall I fix it, Dear Henry, Dear Henry?
With what shall I fix it, Dear Henry, with what?
Tax Resources, Dear Ruddy, Dear Ruddy, Dear Ruddy,
Tax Resources, Dear Ruddy, Dear Ruddy, Tax Resources.
But the states arent too happy, Dear Henry, Dear Henry,
But the states arent too happy, Dear Henry, Not happy.
They are losing royalties, Dear Henry, Dear Henry,
They are losing royalties, Dear Henry, Losing royalties,
Stimulate the Economy, Dear Ruddy, Dear Ruddy,
Stimulate the Economy, Dear Ruddy, Stumulate!
With what will I stimulate the Economy, Dear Henry,
With what will I stimulate the Economy, with what?
Try the Budget, Dear Ruddy, Dear Ruddy, Dear Ruddy,
Try the Budget, Dear Ruddy, Dear Ruddy, Try the Budget.
Theres a hole in the budget, Dear Henry, Dear Henry,
Theres a hole in the budget, Dear Henry, a hole.