" The government says the new nuclear reactors will provide more...

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    The government says the new nuclear reactors will provide more than 17 million megawatt-hours of low carbon electricity every year."

    "With an original budget of $14 billion (£11bn), Vogtle is now expected to cost a total of $28 billion (£22bn)"

    The ACCC reported ave tarriffs for electricity in Australia for Residential(RES), Small and Medium size entities(SME) and Commercial and Industries consumers(C&I) in Australian cents were as follows (2017–18, NEM-wide, real $2016–17, excluding GST):


    Wholesale Electricity...………….10.1...…………………………….11.1...……………………………….. 8.3

    Network and Retail Costs...….…17.6...…………………………….13.2...…………………..……………..5.9

    Environmental Costs.…………... 1.9...……………………………… 2.2...………………………………..1.5

    Total...…………………………….29.6...…………………………….26.5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...….,,,,,...…….. 15.7

    Source Figure 1.28 page 30

    I don't know how the US$28B capital costs for an output of 17 million megawatt-hours electricity every year compare to the capital costs of alternatives, both renewables and fossil. However, it does seem awfully expensive. Similarly, what are the average operating costs for such a plant compared to the wholesale costs listed above of 8.3 to 10.1 Australian Cents per KWH. At the current exchange rate of US$0.71 to A$1 operating costs would need to be less than US$0.07 per KWH for there be a saving. Even if there was a saving in operating costs it would be unlikely to make a difference to the overall charge as most of our electricity bill, for residential anyway, is for Network and Retail Costs and GST.


    Last edited by SilentPartnr: 26/03/19
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