Dodging the question again Charlie ? You want to argue but you...

  1. 12,828 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Dodging the question again Charlie ? You want to argue but you won't answer a question. Funny that.

    People insure their houses because there is a chance that their house might burn down. They can't prove that it will burn and there are millions of houses that don't burn down. But, there is also plenty of evidence to suggest that it might burn down.

    So, because of the consequence of their house burning down, they wisely take out house insurance.

    In the case of global warming, the vast majority of scientists and experts believe, based on the extensive data that they have, that there is a good chance that mmcc is real. Therefore , they are advising that we should take steps to mitigate the consequences.

    That's what smart people do.
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