Still haven't answered that question about the house insurance ....

  1. 12,828 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2

    Still haven't answered that question about the house insurance . Why is that ?

    Anyway, I don't have to prove a thing . You seem to forget that I have not entered the hc debate about CO2 emissions, ever. You, trying to support your agenda, have tried to drag me in.

    It's almost like you are desperate to find someone to listen to your ravings. what.png

    That said, by the sheer weight of numbers of scientists with a huge amount of data to support their thinking, it is the general consensus that man made climate change is probably real. Globally.

    So, in the same way that when the vast majority of the medical profession forms an opinion on a particular health issue, I am happy to go with that until someone comes up with something better that disproves their view.

    Just as when I go to the doctor, I accept that the medical profession knows way more than I do and considering the weight of that, I am more than comfortable going with his or her's advice.

    Therefore, it is up to you to disprove , with data support that mmcc is not real. The amount of evidence and the overwhelming majority of the scientific community have reasoned that mmcc is very, very likely.
    If you can summon up a similar number of scientists and the same amount of data then you might have a case.

    But, you don't.

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